
is not programmed to care. 


scroll down 

for latest comic. 

Or submit your own

{sad} robot.

About this site: We're all emotional weirdo flesh bags. With stupid meatbag brains. This is my attempt at looking at the human condition from an elseworld view. I want to comment on the absurdity I see around me but I'm not sure how to do that through a human lens. I'm an introvert and sometimes that makes everyone else seem really foreign to me. I like robots and I'm really good at drawing them.
Robots can never really be cruel. They don't understand. Or maybe they just don't care.
Don't bother worrying about this. It's just a thing. 
Thanks,R. Carnie Littlefield

01 Comic:


{one} is colorful.

{one} is still sad.

copyright © 2023, R.Carnie Littlefield - carnielittlefield.com

02 Comic: 


It doesn't matter how nice one's audio ports are. Everything is still shit.

copyright © 2023, R.Carnie Littlefield - carnielittlefield.com


have a funny sad robot you want to share? I'll show the world your creation and give you all the credit. 

03 Comic: 


What kinda programs are they runnin' these days. I think a disk defrag is in order.

copyright © 2023, R.Carnie Littlefield - carnielittlefield.com

04 Comic: 


{one} experiences existential emptiness.

copyright © 2023, R.Carnie Littlefield - carnielittlefield.com


have a funny sad robot you want to share? I'll show the world your creation and give you all the credit. 

05 Comic: 


{one} wishes this could have been an email.

copyright © 2023, R.Carnie Littlefield - carnielittlefield.com

06 Comic: 


{one} realizes they can't do anything by themselves anymore. Beep boop. Make me coffee. Beep boop. Order me underwear.

copyright © 2023, R.Carnie Littlefield - carnielittlefield.com


have a funny sad robot you want to share? I'll show the world your creation and give you all the credit. 

07 Comic: 

"meant for {greatness}"

{one} does not always have the same options as everyone else. {One} must pay money to get the life they want.

Upgrades are not available for all models.

copyright © 2023, R.Carnie Littlefield - carnielittlefield.com

08 Comic: 


{one} questions.

copyright © 2023, R.Carnie Littlefield - carnielittlefield.com


have a funny sad robot you want to share? I'll show the world your creation and give you all the credit. 

09 Comic: 

"please {stay}"

{ One's } job is to water these plants, and this is the last plant.

Please stay, little plant?

copyright © 2023, R.Carnie Littlefield - carnielittlefield.com

010 Comic: 

"{one} wonders"

{One} often looks up at the stars. 

copyright © 2023, R.Carnie Littlefield - carnielittlefield.com


have a funny sad robot you want to share? I'll show the world your creation and give you all the credit. 

011 Comic: 

"{Repeat} tasks"

{One} is a welder bot! {One} welds boxes all day. It is a good task!

Though lately, no one has come to get them. {One} wonders when they will.

copyright © 2023, R.Carnie Littlefield - carnielittlefield.com

012 Comic: 

"{One} must figure it out"

{One} is built for more than this. Please affirm there is a greater reason. Bzzzt.

copyright © 2023, R.Carnie Littlefield - carnielittlefield.com

013 Comic: 


{One} is just having one of those days.

copyright © 2023, R.Carnie Littlefield - carnielittlefield.com

014 Comic: 

"{snacks }"

{One} is emotional eating. Sigh.

copyright © 2023, R.Carnie Littlefield - carnielittlefield.com

015 Comic: 

"{ fony }"

{One} is aware of the gaslighters.

copyright © 2023, R.Carnie Littlefield - carnielittlefield.com

016 Comic: 

"{ life } cycles"

{One} has scanned all the channels available on digital streaming platforms. { One } wonders what all the fuss is about. 

copyright © 2023, R.Carnie Littlefield - carnielittlefield.com

017 Comic: 

"still { cool }"

{One} is still a good robot even if they don't serve any purpose. { One } is still a cool dude.


have a funny sad robot you want to share? I'll show the world your creation and give you all the credit. 

{ sigh ... } LATEST COMIC
...or whatever...